Monday, February 6, 2012

Oatmeal with Oven Roasted Fruit

I have a thing for roasted vegetables. They will probably make it into a later post, but for now, I'm doing a post on roasted fruit. Oh, how I love fruit. I never thought about roasting fruit until last night, when I roasted cabbage and apples. Watching the steam pour off of the apples, I began thinking about roasting fruit. I had not seen it tried before, but I thought, "vegetables work, so why not fruit?" I went to bed with a plan for the morning.

Morning came and I bounced out of bed, into the shower, and down the steps. I was preheating the oven and chopping fruit before my dad realized what was going on. Once the fruit was in the oven, I began thinking about what would go best with it. Yogurt was my first thought, but I wanted something that was more substantial. My pantry threw a box of oatmeal at me and it was decided. Right onto the stove the oatmeal went. Yogurt was still on my mind though. There's just something about it that is so very yummy. "I'll replace milk with yogurt," I thought. I mixed everything together, added cinnamon, and enjoyed my breakfast.

Oatmeal with Oven Roasted Fruit
Serves 2-3

1 pear, chopped
1 apple, cut into 1/2 inch wedges
1 banana, sliced
(other fruit will work too)
vanilla yogurt

Preheat oven to 400°F.

After cutting the fruit, layer it on a baking sheet in the following order - apples, pears, bananas. Make sure that the bananas don't touch the baking sheet. Sprinkle the fruit with cinnamon and sugar, to taste. Place the baking sheet in the oven and roast for 25 minutes, or until the apples are tender.

Prepare the desired amount of oatmeal by following the directions on the package it came in.

When everything is prepared, divide the oatmeal and fruit evenly between two or three bowls. If you're only planning on two servings, there will be extra fruit. Sprinkle more cinnamon and sugar over the fruit, if desired. Mix the oatmeal and fruit together and add the yogurt (mix it in...or don't.)

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